Wednesday 19 January 2011

Premier League 5 a-side team

Credit HERE
Struggling to think of something to blog about as I sit in my room at university starved of sports coverage, I thought back to a question funnily enough first asked by a maths teacher of all people and then asked by others since. Who, from the Premier League, would be in your 5 a-side starting line up.

When you are first asked it may seem straight foward, but when you get thinking it is actually quite difficult. You need to take into consideration the size of the pitch then the roles of defenders and strikers that would differ to 11 a-side.

Starting with the goalkeeper. As you can see in the picture the goals are not very high, so a keeper who is quick to the ground is vital. Then of course it is the quick reactions that come into account. For me Joe Hart is the man for this job. Quick reactions, gets low very quickly and is great in one-on-one situations. The video below demonstrates this.

Next the defenders. When thinking of the centre back you have to consider the rules more than anything, no slide tackles, no overhead so in my book no Nemanja Vidic. You also need someone can chip in with goals aswell, so perhaps not necessarily an actual CB in real life. In this case Yaya Toure is my man in the centre. Strong, good tackler, good feet and can pass a ball as the short video below shows.

You will also need two wing backs that can get foward, create chances and defend, tough to choose. I think for this, although might be debatable, down the right hand side I will go for Rafael Da Silva. Very attacking minded Brazilian, but I don't think there is any doubt he can defend. The video below again shows some of his stuff.

Down the left I think it has to be Gareth Bale. Former left back turned left midfielder who can score goals. He is also a good defender. Alongside that his pace, skill etc.

Now the striker. You need a striker who can get back and defend as well as hold the ball upfront. Although there are already plenty of City players in this, it is hard not to go with Carlos Tevez. No, I am going with Tevez, I have played 5 a-side with a player who plays like Tevez (not as good of course) and he was un-playable.

Tevez can of course score goals, but as we have seen in the Premier League and for Argentina he works hard and is very strong. Everything you want in a 5 a-side striker, watch the video below as a justification.

So that is my Premier League 5 a-side team starting line-up. Comment with your starting line up or what you would change.

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