Sunday 24 October 2010

Heavyweight division shaken up again!

UFC 121 saw Heavweight champion Brock Lesnar face Cain Valazquez for the heavweight title. What happened shocked many, myself included.

The start was what we expected and what looked to be the theme for the duration of the fight. Lesnar on the attack, asserting his dominance, which looked like it was working as he landed a flying knee.

Cain Valazquez has worked his way to this title shot and he weathered an almighty 265lbs storm. He wasn't about to waste his opportunity.

Valazquez turned the fight around with some great take downs and picking his shots effectively. He had Lesnar stumbling, Cain jumped at the chance to finish the fight and won by TKO in the first round. A shock to all critics who said he was too small and lesnar will be too powerful. I was a critic proved wrong.

This win well and truly shakes up the heavyweight division. Will Lesnar get a rematch? will Carwin have another shot at the title, his first at Cain Valazquez? or Will Frank Mir return from the brink and take his chance at the title whilst Lesnar is off the heavyweight throne?

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